In October of this year (2024), we had a visit from a Quality Assurance and Improvement Officer from Cheshire West and Chester to assess the quality of care and contractual compliance delivered within Special Needs Care (SNC).
Not only that, but we are also the first provider in Cheshire West and Chester to receive an excellent rating and the first provider our Quality Assurance and Improvement Officer has awarded an excellent rating to. Because, in their words, “I am known for being a hard assessor!”
During the visit, multiple aspects of our services and solutions were inspected and here are some of the comments we’re most proud of.
Our ability to respect and involve service users
“SNC have supported an individual to secure a part time job and have created easy read lists to support him whilst there. This evidences that SNC strive to promote independence with the people they support.”
Regarding how we manage the care and welfare of our service users
“Evidence of people supported contributing to the care plans – evidenced by but not solely the likes/dislikes section. In parts of the care plans there is direct quotes from people supported about the care they would like to receive and different activities they would like to do.”
“Evidence seen that care plans are wrote by people’s strengths and what they can do and not what they can’t do.”
These comments meant a lot to us as we pride ourselves on the person-centered care we deliver and always champion people’s abilities to ensure they have an improved quality of life.
How we co-operate with other Providers
“The care and support plans include effective arrangements for when people supported are transferred to another service such as day centres. All information is shared in an appropriate manner and maintains confidentiality.”
This is paramount to us, as sometimes we share the responsibility to meet care needs of the people we support with other providers. Therefore, communication is key.
And safeguard people who use the service from abuse
“SNC have excellent relationships with the local authority.
“Staff spoken to have good knowledge of safeguarding – all spoken to were able to tell me how they would report a concern or safeguarding. They explain who they could contact if they felt they were not able to speak to SNC.”
The assessor also recorded some touching comments from the people we support, who said:
- ‘I feel safe here’
- ‘I like my staff; they always help me’
- ‘They took me on holiday, I’d never been before – I really enjoyed it’
One of the other things we were assessed on was the level of respect and involvement we give to the people we support along with how we manage their care and welfare. In which our moderator noted,
“Staff showed genuine concern for people supported and wanted them to live their best life.”
“Interactions between staff and people supported was consistent throughout each visit. They spoke to individuals with respect and dignity at all times.”
“Staff able to show me the paperwork they completed during a keyworker meeting. Staff described how they adapt the meetings depending on the person they are meeting with. This shown me that they know the people supported well and work in a person-centred way.”
Again, this is a testament to the people we work with and the level of training we offer. At SNC, we believe it’s all about ensuring the people we support have a voice and are given the personalised care they deserve and need.
Finally, we were scored on our staff induction process and how we manage career progression opportunities and overall staff support. Our staff are at the heart of SNC, so it was great to receive the following feedback:
“When I asked staff about the induction received, they said:
‘It was great – I’ve worked for previous care companies and didn’t get this much.’
‘I liked my induction – made me feel more confident in starting as I didn’t have much experience’.”
“I also asked staff about how they feel about progression within SNC:
‘Staff confirmed they fell welcome at the office in Chester anytime – this confirmed the open-door policy.’
‘Staff have voiced that they feel well supported, management listen and will act on changes when needed’.”
Should you wish to speak to a member of our team about our offering at Special Needs Care, please get in touch or call us on 01244 784 434.